If you were impacted by the Jan.22 flooding, register for FEMA assistance by calling the FEMA helpline at 1-800-621-3362.

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Update Your Information

An agency listed in the 211 San Diego public database can make edits to their service listings electronically, through email, or by calling our Resource Team. Please contact the Resource Team with any questions:

[email protected]
(858) 300-1200 – Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

Please review your profile listings to make sure all of your programs and services are listed accurately and are up to date.
Search our Directory

Providing vital data and trend information for proactive community planning is core to 211 San Diego/Imperial’s mission. Our ability to offer our clients accurate referrals would not be possible without your commitment to providing us with the most up-to-date information. Community leaders, elected officials, philanthropic partners, and service providers often request our data about available resources and community needs, and they care about how many referrals we provide to your services.

You can use the data we collect to demonstrate the need for your services and inform our leaders about the biggest challenges that our clients face when accessing services.